Hi if you are planning to visit US. Here is a site where you will find all information like best hotels, restaurants, coffee shops, bars etc. The author of the site has explained well about all important information that a tourist need. In the site all the info about Gay travel hot spots, Gay friendly hotels, Gay friendly cities, etc are specified.
San Francisco is situated between San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean. In San Francisco, the Gay friendly Castro is one of the well known Gay Hot Spot in the World. In
San Francisco, Castro Area you can enjoy good food and have a great shopping. The other best hotels are listed in the site. It is high time you select any one of them and have a big bash. The
Restaurants here are so well organized with all the amenities that are needed.
Coffee Shops are present in all the major cities like Austin , Denver, San Diego and San Fransico where you can spend some of your valuable time at the most nominal rates.