Southernmost of Tamil Nadu, Kanniyakumari is one of the important Tourist place. Vivekananda Memorial, Gandhi Memorial, Kanniyakumari Temple, Guganathasamy Temple and Kanniyakumari beach are some important places.
Vivekananda Memorial was built in 1970 with all the architectural styles of India. Swami Vivekananda when he visited Kanniyakumari before his departure for Chicago to participate in the World Religious Conference in 1893, he had sat and meditated on the rock in 1892. In the Memorial building Swami Vivekananda’s statue has been installed. The meditation Hall is opened between 8 A.M to 4 P.M.
Coloured sea sand, articles made from palm leave, sea shells and handicrafts are sold here. But you have to bargain for purchases.
In Gandhi Memorial, On October 2nd (Mahatma Gandhiji’s birthday), the Sun rays fall on the particular place where his ashes were placed.
The ancient temple here is Kanniyakumari temple. During May there is a huge crowd for the temple festival. The beautiful beach here attracts may tourists. On full-moon day, the Sun setting on the West and the Moon rising up on the East simultaneously is a glorious sight. Kanniyakumari is well connected by rail and road. Thiruvananthapuram is the nearest Airport.
ohh my god i want to go there