Sebago Lake State Park provides swimming, picnicking, camping, boating and fishing opportunities. To the north is Naples, with cruises and boat rentals on Long Lake. Songo Lake connects the northern tip of Sebago Lake wotj :pmg :ale/ The Songo River Queen, a 92 ft stern wheeler, runs hour long cruises on Long Lake and longer voyages down the Songo River and through Songo Lake. These are closed during October to May and limited schedule June and September.
Bridgton, near Highland Lake, has antiques shops in and around town. US 302 to Route 5 through Lovell or Routes 35 and 37 through Harrison and the Water fords are scenic routes to Bethel, a town with white clapboard houses, antique stores and a mountain vista at the end of every street. The area Bethel to Rangeley Lake is beautiful too particularly in autumn. In Grafton Notch State park you can hike to stunning gorges and waterfalls and into the Baldpate Mountains. For more than a century, Rangeley has lured people who fish to its more than 40 lakes and ponds. Rangeley Lake State park has superb scenery, swimming, picnicking, and boating. Sandy River and Rangeley Lakes Rail road has a century old train that traverses the woods and this is closed during November to May.
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