Friday, September 4, 2009

Ajanta and Ellora Caves

Ellora - Elephanta

In India, the Ajanta and Ellora caves are must see places. Each and every cave has its uniqueness. In the Rameshwara Cave the Nandi in the courtyard is on a pedestal decorated with vast reliefs of Goddesses with attendants.

Elephanta: Here we have Shiva Mahayogi seated on a lotus upheld by two Nagas. Elephanta has magnificent Gandhara, Ardhangani, Andhakamurti, Natraja and Shrine Dvarapalas. These figures are superb depiction of the art of sculpture in Western India. The big cave is about 120 meters away from two caves which are much damaged. The big cave has two parts consisting of a central hall of 90 ft. square and four aisles each 16 ft. deep and 54 ft. long. The hall has two rows of pillars supporting it. The side walls of each aisle have recesses full of sculptured figures. The South aisle leads to a recess housing the Trimurti of Shiva. The figure of Shiva is 16 ft. high and that of Parvati 12 ft. and both are highly ornamented. In the North Wall of the recess has Shiva and Parvati sitting in Kailash. Below is Ravana shaking Kailash. There are figures of various deities including Ganesha on both sides of Shiva and Parvathi.

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